SI Insights - business intelligence to machine learning | Smith Institute

Raconteur Report: AI for Business 2021 - Smith Institute

Written by Holly Gurr | Jun 1, 2021 5:54:15 PM

We are proud to have contributed to the Raconteur’s ‘AI for Business 2021’. The report goes beyond exploring how AI is fast becoming part of how we live, to discuss what must be done to ensure the technology is implemented with high ethical standards and without bias.

Within the report:

  • The EU’s proposed regulation on AI
  • How bias within AI can be tackled
  • Advice on successful implementation
  • How AI is transforming different industries

The Positive power of Uncertainty

Artificial Intelligence has been swiftly adopted in many organisations, but its full potential is yet to be realised. Inside the report, the Smith Institute’s Director of Data Science, Francis Woodhouse, discusses how businesses can get the best value from an investment in AI by understanding and embracing the unavoidability of uncertainty.

Download the full report

Please fill in the form below to download the report as a PDF.

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